Tuesday, November 30, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students finished Focus On State Standards; Forms of Energy packet covering the types of energy. The students then read an article on renewable and nonrenewable energy source in which they had to answer questions on the smart board. The students finished with a fill in the blank assignment on renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. We went over that assignment at the end of class. Tomorrow the students will read an article about fossil fuels and be given a homework assignment over natural gas and petroleum.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and Enjoy the Thanksgiving Break! See you on Tuesday...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students exchanged papers and graded the forms of energy homework from last night. I collected it and used it for an academic grade. Next I took the students down to the computer lab to take the Global Scholar Test On Science. The test was 12 multiple choice questions covering the concepts that we have covered this year in science. Finally I handed out the homework on types of energy that needs to be completed and is due tomorrow. In tomorrow's class, we will go over the homework and do an experiment on potential and kinetic energy. The students will record the data from the experiment and turn it in for a effort grade. There will be no homework Thursday or Friday.

Monday, November 15, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students worked in partners and read the articles out of the current science magazine. They also answered the clues to the crossword puzzle that went along with the articles they read. We went over the crossword puzzle at the end of class. Tomorrow the students will continue working out of the Focus On State Standards: Forms Of Energy Packet. The students will also be given a homework assignment on forms of energy that will be collected and be given a grade when they come to class Wednesday. On Wednesday the students will be taking the Global Scholar Science Test. It is an online test developed by the curriculum director that will be over everything we have covered in science. I will give a homework assignment on types of energy that needs to be completed and due on Thursday.

Monday, November 8, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In today's class, the students finished up the assignments I had the substitute hand out while I was on the Washington DC trip. I also gave the students a matter study guide to help prepare them for the test. The students will have a test over matter on Tuesday that will have 25 multiple choice questions and a bonus. The students can make their own study guide from the one I gave them and can use it on the test or just study the study guide to get them ready for the test. On Wednesday the students will start an unit on energy. Here is a copy of the study guide for the test on matter tomorrow.

Matter Study Guide

Carbon: a black substance made by burning
Chemical Changes: changes that happen at a molecular level, making one or more new substances; usually comes with color change,bubbles, or temperature change
Chemistry: the study of mixing chemicals
Excessive: more than necessary
Irreversible: not able to be reversed
Leavening Agents: ingredients used to make bake goods rise
States of Matter: solid, liquid, or gas
Molecules: the smallest unit of matter that still has parts
Oxidation: the process where oxygen mixes with another substance
Physical Change: changes that do not change the identity of a substance
Tarnish: black coating that appears on silver when air touches it
Closed System: a set of matter with boundaries that mass can’t cross
Conservation: the saving of something
Mass: a measurement of how much a substance an object has
Matter: something that takes up space and has mass
Open system: a set of matter where mass can come and go from the environment
Volume: the amount of space an object takes up
Weight: a measurement of gravity’s pull on an object
Solid: has a definite volume and a definite shape; atoms packed tightly
Liquid: has a definite volume but not a definite shape; atoms spread out
Gas: doesn’t have either a definite shape or definite volume;
atoms spread way out
Combustibility: property of matter that has the ability to be burned
Elasticity: property of matter that has the ability to be stretched
Buoyancy: property of matter that has the ability to stay a float
Solubility: property of matter that has the ability to be dissolvable
Viscosity: property of matter that has the ability to flow easily
Archimedes Theory: crown displaced water; the crown took up volume
Alchemist: a person who studies matter

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students continued to work out of Focus On Ohio State Standards: Conservation Of Matter And Energy Packet. We will finish the matter portion of the packet on Monday. Tomorrow the students will work in groups of three creating a physical and chemical change in matter poster drawing and explaining many examples of matter. On Thursday, the students will work in partners on a matter review crossword puzzle in which the teacher will go over the answers at the end of class and collect. On Friday, the students will work with one other person in their pursuit of answering every matter review question in the packet correct to receive candy on Monday. The packet is 100 questions and the partners who answers the most questions correct will receive candy. The test over matter will be on Tuesday. It will be 25 multiple choice questions with a short answer bonus. I will be out of the building the next three days chaperoning the 8th grade trip to Washington DC. Please have the students be on their best behavior for the substitute teacher. There will be no homework this week.