Wednesday, December 22, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy the winter break. We will see you on Monday January 3rd 2011.

Monday, December 20, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, I had the students make up or finish sources of energy test. I also had students make up assignments that they were missing and not in the grade book. The rest of the class worked on Christmas activities that they completed with partners. We only have 5 days to Christmas and only 2 more to Christmas Break. Hang in there Christmas is almost here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

Concepts To Study For Sources Of Energy Test

1) potential energy: energy that is stored in an object’s position or its chemical composition

2) advantages of wind energy

3) global warming: tmosphere of our planet has warmed by an amount between .5 and .9 degrees Celsius

4) disadvantages of solar power

5) fossil fuels: from decaying plants and animals covered with mud and soil over millions of years

6) mechanical energy: type of energy is the result of the movement of machinery

7) geothermal energy: energy created form the heat within the earth

8) examples of renewable and nonrenewable energy resource

9) nuclear energy: an energy resource that comes from atoms

10) biomass: energy that comes from animal waste and living plants

11) reasons for and against drilling for oil in the ANWR territory in Alaska

12) disadvantages for nuclear power

13) kinetic energy: the energy of motion; something that must have mass
and be moving

14) advantages of biomass

15) examples of fossil fuels

16) light energy: electromagnetic or radiant light from the sun

17) the United States uses 20 million barrels of oil per day

18) renewable energy: energy resources that can be used over, that are
naturally replenished

sources of energy test is 25 multiple choice questions

6th Grade Science Class

I hope everybody enjoyed the snow day we had on Tuesday and it was good to see everyone back today. Due to the snow day, everything was pushed back one day. We will have the review day for the sources of energy test on Thursday, and the students will take the test on Friday. Today we finished watching the movie on energy resources and filled in the movie review wkst. The students then took a post assessment over energy resources. If they had a perfect score, they were able to grab a piece of candy out of the candy bag. There were many perfect scores today!

Monday, December 13, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, I passed out the study guide for the sources of energy test that will be on Thursday. We also took a preliminary assessment over the movie the class later watched Energy Resources. We went over the answers to the preliminary assessment and had the class fill in the video review as they watched the movie on Energy Resources. Finally we went over the video review. Tomorrow the students will take the post assessment on the movie "Energy Resources," and we will go over the answers to it. I will also pass out the reading A to Z packet on Energy Sources: The Pros and Cons and the students can see the grades they earned on the packet. Finally the students will watch a movie on Nuclear Energy: The Cost and The Benefits. On Wednesday we will review for the test playing a review game, and on Thursday the students will take the sources of energy test. The only homework for this week is to study for Thursday's test.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, we went over the homework on Global Warming and their scores were put in the grade book. The students were then put in partners and had to read the National Geographic Book on Using Energy. The students were given a set of questions that went along with the book that they had to answer. We will go over the answers tomorrow. Tomorrow, the students will continue reading about renewable forms of energy and have a homework assignment over wind and solar energy.

Monday, December 6, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students finished ready the book Energy Sources: The Pros and Cons and completed a worksheet that contained filling in a Venn diagram comparing two types of energy, finding and listing synonyms and antonyms of each vocabulary word, and listing the independent and dependent clause of each sentence. We will go over the answers to the worksheet tomorrow. Tomorrow the students will have to complete a 14 question assignment that went along with the Energy Sources: The Pros and Con Book for a grade. The students will have a homework assignment over global warming that needs to be completed and turned in the next day. On Wednesday, we will go over the homework and begin looking at the National Geographic book on using energy.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students had to complete a fill in the blank paper on fossil fuels. We went over the answers once the students were done. The students also had to answer questions over the fossil fuels article. The students were given a homework assignment on natural gas and petroleum that needs to be completed and turned in tomorrow for a grade. In class tomorrow, we will go over the homework and then watch a movie on fuel consumption, traffic and air pollution. If there is some time left in class, we will do a locker clean out.