Monday, January 31, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, some classes finished the Focus on Ohio Standards: Understanding Technology Packet while other students presented their inventor/invention power point to the class. Tomorrow as a class, we will go over the 2nd nine week common assessment test and the students will be able to discuss ideas about their invention for their homework. Their homework Tuesday night will be out of the Focus on Ohio Standards: Understanding Technology Packet p.28-31. It will be due on Thursday. On Wednesday, the students will start working out of the Focus on Ohio Standards: Technology Past and Future Packet. The students will continue working out of this packet the rest of the week. The students will have one other homework assignment " a better gizmo" that will be assigned on Thursday and due Friday.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students presented their power point on inventors and inventions. It took longer than expected due to so many people having to present, the time it took for people to log on and off their profile, and for power point software to load their power point. We will continue these presentation on Thursday. Tomorrow the students will take the common assessment in Science designed by the district. There will be no homework this week for the fact that the homework assignment was at the end of the Focus On State Standards: Understanding Technology Packet. We wont get back into the packet until maybe Friday at the earliest. The honors assembly is Friday at 8AM so please come if you can.

Monday, January 24, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students are presenting the power points they created all last week. I hope to be finished with all the presentations at the end of Tuesday. On Wednesday, the students will be taking a common assessment in science through global scholar on the pinnacle website. The students will also have a homework assignment of building a solution to a particular problem. This assignment will be due on Friday. Thursday and Friday we will continue and hopefully finish working out of the Focus On State Standards: Understanding Technology Packet.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students are still working on the 6 slide power point covering inventions, inventors, similarities and differences with past technology, how the invention impacted society, and what improvements can be made with the invention to further science. We will be working on these power points tomorrow as well with presentations hopefully on Thursday. On Thursday, the students will have a homework assignment "just for the fun of it" dealing with the invention of the paper airplane that will be due on Friday. On Friday, the students will get back into the Focus On State Standards: Understanding Technology Packet.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

Hopefully everyone enjoyed the day off yesterday. In class today, we went over the homework "Communicating Through The Ages" in which the students turned the assignment in for a grade that went in the grade book. Next we talked about the homework assignment for tonight dealing with the negative and positive impacts of the cell phone on society in which the students had to write four positive and four negative impacts. The assignment in due tomorrow. Next I passed out the Inventor's Rubric in which the students will create a 6 slide power point about an inventor, and invention, and his or her impact on society. We will continue to work on this power point on Friday.

Monday, January 10, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, students were able to look up a person from history who invented technology that made people's lives better and explained what that person achieved and how it helped others. We also read about what drives technological development? The students then watched a movie on inventions by Bill Nye. Tomorrow we will continue reading about innovation and the effects of advancing technology out of the Focus On State Standards: Understanding Technology Packet. The students will also have a homework assignment on Communication Through The Ages Wkst. that will be due on Wednesday. On Wednesday we will get out of the Focus On State Standards: Understanding Technology Packet and start a power point project on inventor's backgrounds, their invention, how does in compare to other technology in that field, how did it make society better, and how can that invention be improved or what its faults. We will work on this power point for the rest of the week with either presentations being Friday or Tuesday in front of the class depending how long it takes the students to complete the project. The students will have a homework assignment on Wednesday dealing with the impact cellphone has had positively and negatively on society that will be due on Thursday.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students continued the unit on science and technology looking at key concepts, building background, and key vocabulary. The students read about defining science and technology, comparing the two, and pointing out their differences. We also discussed how does science help technology advance and George Washington Carver and Henry Ford's contributions to science and technology. We will continue with this unit tomorrow. The students will have a homework assignment dealing with the invention of the microwave that is due on Friday.

Monday, January 3, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

Welcome back from winter break. Hopefully Santa brought you everything you wanted for Christmas this year. In class today we worked out of the current science magazine reading articles on diabetes and a town that has been burning for almost 50 years. They had questions to answer after the reading of each article. The next big unit we are working on in science has to deal with science and technology that we will start on Tuesday. We will be defining those terms, answering the question to what drives technological development, looking at the effects of advancing technology, and can science and technology solve all problems? The students will have a technology project to complete as well as have a homework assignment over the invention of the microwave.