Tuesday, March 22, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class on Monday, the students played a review game using Show What You Know Math Questions to help the students prepare for the OAA Math Test. On Tuesday, the students took a quiz over investigation #1 What is Life from the Diversity Of Life Science Kit. The students began investigation #2 Introduction To The Microscope out of that same science kit and they will be working on it up until spring break. I am not sure if we will finish this investigation before spring break and might have to take the quiz after spring break. The students don't have school on Friday due to the teachers having a teacher inservice.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students looked at the vials after 24 hours and notice growth in Vial C, D, and E. We then discussed the type of water each group used with their materials pointing out that Row 1 used salt water, Row 2 used sugar water, and Row 3 used spring water. Those groups using salt water noticed little dots moving around in Vial E, and those using sugar water noticed sprouting in Vial D. Those using spring water noticed crystals forming in Vial C. The class guessed that Vial A's material was red sand, Vial B's material was yeast, Vial C's material was a type of crystal, Vial D's material was radish seeds, and that Vial E's material was brine shrimp eggs. The students will look at them one more time tomorrow to make a final decision on if each material is living or nonliving. Next we talked about what is a dormant state of a seed and had the class read a short story out of the Diversity of Life Resource book discussing life on earth. The students in their groups had to work together to answer questions on p. 23 using TQAA method that was turned in for a grade. Tomorrow, the students will finish Investigation #1 packet "What Is Life"and turn that in for a grade. On Monday, the students will be playing a review game with math questions for practice to prepare the students for the state's OAA test. On Tuesday, the students will have a test over Investigation #1 "What Is Life".

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In science class yesterday, we played an OAA Prep review game in math to prepare the students for the state test that they will be taking at the end of April and beginning of May. We were using Math Show What You Know questions for OAA Prep. In Tuesday's class, the students continued to work out of the Diversity Life Kit. The students looked at 5 materials in plastic bags to determine if they are living or nonliving. Using vials, the students added water with different mixtures to their materials. After 10 minutes, the students started to see different results in their vials and wrote down the data in their packets. On Wednesday, the students are continuing to prepare for OAA test by completing activities from myskillstutor.com.

Living or Nonliving Materials? We Will Find Out Soon...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In science class yesterday, we played an OAA Prep review game in math to prepare the students for the state test that they will be taking at the end of April and beginning of May. We were using Math Show What You Know questions for OAA Prep. In Tuesday's class, the students continued to work out of the Diversity Life Kit. The classes took a walk down to the elementary school to get pond samples to look at under the microscope for investigation #3 microscopic life. I decided to take the classes today because of the nicer weather. On Wednesday, the students are continuing to prepare for OAA test by completing activities from myskillstutor.com. On Thursday and Friday, I am hoping to complete investigation #1 what is life as we continue to discuss the characteristics of living organisms and looking at substances to determine if they are living or nonliving. There is no homework for this week.