Tuesday, August 31, 2010

6th grade science class

Here is a copy of the study guide that can be used to study from or make one on your own for tomorrow's quiz. The quiz will be ten multiple choice questions. Good luck on tomorrow's quiz.

Scientific Method Study Guide

Observation: The process of using your senses to notice your environment

Ask Questions: step in the scientific method that needs to take place before coming up with the hypothesis. Questions that involve using your 5 senses

Conclusion: the step in the scientific method that approves or disapproves the hypothesis

Data: term used to describe the information gained from the experiment

Hypothesis: a prediction or an educated guess for an answer to a question

Results: the data from the experiment

Procedure: a series of steps in the experiment

Scientific Method: The way scientists search for the answers to their questions is through this science process skill

Control Group: In the experiment, what is the term used to describe the group that doesn’t receive special treatment in which
the data is later compared to the experimental group

Experimental Group: In the experiment, what is the term used to describe the group that does receives special treatment in
which the data is later compared to the control group

Experiment: the activity or procedure that takes place after coming up with the hypothesis

Monday, August 30, 2010

Scientific Method Activity

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students wrote in their journal books what they knew about the scientific method. We quickly reviewed the scientific method from Friday. The students then watched a movie clip on how a student was able to distinguish the kind of sandwich he had that was wrapped in foil using the scientific method. We finished class with an ice pop experiment going through the steps of the scientific method writing in the data. Tomorrow the students are going to read an article on the scientific method and, I am going to do an experiment using control groups and experimental groups. I will also hand out the study guide for the quiz on Wednesday.

Friday, August 27, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today we finished using the scientific method to figure out what the mysterious orange liquid in the petri dish was. The students came up with observations that led to questions. The students then stated a hypothesis of what they believe the orange liquid was. They also created the experiment and wrote down their data. Finally the students from their data came up with a conclusion to either approve or disapprove their hypothesis. We also read more about the scientific method answering comprehension questions that went along with the article. Have a good weekend and see you on Monday.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day Of School

It was a fun first day of school as I introduced myself to all the students, went over classroom rules, topics covered in 6th grade science, and what I am taking grades on. We also did a fun introduction activity in which they we able to meet other students in the class, and I was able to learn a little bit about each students' personality. Tomorrow the class will get into discussions about the scientific method and will finish up with a in class assignment. It was great to meet all the new students as I will try to remember each name of every student. Have a great school year..... Mr. Hrynko

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Welcome parents and students to the Fairless Middle School open house for new 6th graders who are coming over from the elementary school.