Tuesday, August 31, 2010

6th grade science class

Here is a copy of the study guide that can be used to study from or make one on your own for tomorrow's quiz. The quiz will be ten multiple choice questions. Good luck on tomorrow's quiz.

Scientific Method Study Guide

Observation: The process of using your senses to notice your environment

Ask Questions: step in the scientific method that needs to take place before coming up with the hypothesis. Questions that involve using your 5 senses

Conclusion: the step in the scientific method that approves or disapproves the hypothesis

Data: term used to describe the information gained from the experiment

Hypothesis: a prediction or an educated guess for an answer to a question

Results: the data from the experiment

Procedure: a series of steps in the experiment

Scientific Method: The way scientists search for the answers to their questions is through this science process skill

Control Group: In the experiment, what is the term used to describe the group that doesn’t receive special treatment in which
the data is later compared to the experimental group

Experimental Group: In the experiment, what is the term used to describe the group that does receives special treatment in
which the data is later compared to the control group

Experiment: the activity or procedure that takes place after coming up with the hypothesis

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