Thursday, September 30, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In science class today the students had an opportunity to find out the kinds of rocks they gathered on our trip to the different buildings yesterday. They followed a rock guide using the website The guide had them answer different questions as well as do different activities like scratch their rock on glass(to see if it would scratch the glass), scratch the rock with a nail to see if it would chip sand, take a hammer and break the rock to see inside the rock for crystals or bands, and drop their rock in vinegar to see if their rock will fizz. The students then identified the type of rock they had. I hope to upload some of the pictures of the activities they have done in and out of class the past two days tomorrow. The students were given a rock review for homework that needs to be completed and turned in tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In science class today we worked out of the Focus On Ohio Standards curriculum Rocks and Minerals as we reviewed the three types of rock, rock cycle, and minerals. The students had a homework assignment: uses of rocks and minerals worksheet that needs to be completed and turned in tomorrow. As soon as we get good weather, the class we take a walk down to the elementary school and dig around for rocks that they will be bring back to class. The following day, the students will complete different activities following the rock key that will determine what kind of rock is it. They will keep track of their data and turn it in for a grade. I hope to do this tomorrow or Thursday at the latest. The students will have a test over rocks and minerals on Tuesday October 5th.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

6th grade Science Class

In class today we went over the earth puzzle homework that was assigned last night. Next as a class we went over the rock riddle paper that the students were working on the last two days. The students should have put those papers in their green folder. Next we watched a short movie on rock types, minerals, and crystal systems in which they had to fill out a paper with questions about each topic. We then we over the rocks/minerals/crystal systems paper together. Finally I handed out the homework "the rock crossword" that needs to be completed and turned in tomorrow. Here are the across answers to get the students started..
2) compacted, 4) luster, 6) crystallization, 7) hardness, 11) weathering, 12) sedimentary, 15) metamorphic, 16) erosion, and 18) crystal. Tomorrow or Friday depending on the schedule of events in the district, I hope to take the students on a walk to the elementary school to look for rocks that we can take back to the school and compare them to their rock papers and samples to find out what kind of rock is it.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Rock Cycle Posters

These posters were created by 6th graders to show that they know how the rock cycle works.

Rock Cycle Posters

6th Grade Science Class

First of all I apologize for not blogging at least twice last week in updating what is going on in science class. There was a technology issue during school hours. In class today, the students read an article on sedimentary rock highlighting the important information in the article. The students then using rock samples were able to color in the types of sedimentary rock. The students next worked in partners to answer the rock riddles and puzzles. There was no homework for tonight. Tomorrow the students will read an article on metamorphic rock highlighting the important information in the article. The students will finish the rock riddles and puzzle paper. We will go over the paper as a class. The students will then have a homework assignment "earth puzzle worksheet" that needs to be completed and turned in on Wednesday.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students finished their rock cycle posters explaining what the rock cycle is as well as drawing the rock cycle. Afterwords the students read an article on introducing geology and answering five questions about the article. We went over the five questions as a class. Next the students in groups of four read p.137 and 138 out of an old textbook on igneous rock. As a group they had to answer six questions as we went over them at the end of class. Finally the students were given a homework assignment Asking Mr. Aims worksheet that needs to be completed and turned in tomorrow. In class tomorrow, the students will be reading more about igneous rock and then getting into sedimentary rock.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In science class today, I collected the homework An Inside Look at the San Andrea Fault for a grade. I also gave a falcon buck for each assignment that was completed. The students watched a short movie introducing the three different types of rocks metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous and the rock cycle. Afterword the students at their tables read an article on the rock cycle and answered 4 questions. As a class we went over the four questions, and then I passed out the homework assignment. The homework assignment is Even Rocks Change worksheet the needs to be completed and turned in tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, we went over the scientific method quizzes. We also read an article on the structure of earth and answered questions as a class. The students finished class reading a chapter out of the old textbook on movements of the earth's crust and fill in a science puzzle covering topic like earthquakes, seismic waves, and Pangaea. Tomorrow the class will finish the reading in the textbook and go over the answers to the science puzzle. The students will finish class with a homework assignment on An Inside Look At The San Andreas Fault. The homework assignment will be due on Wednesday.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In school today, the students started reading about the layers of the earth. They discovered the temperature of each layer, the distance or thickness of each layer, and if each layer is made of solid or liquid rock. They answered questions dealing with radius and diameter of each layer. We will continue talking about layers of the earth and the rock cycle next week. Have a good long weekend and see you Tuesday.