Wednesday, September 22, 2010

6th grade Science Class

In class today we went over the earth puzzle homework that was assigned last night. Next as a class we went over the rock riddle paper that the students were working on the last two days. The students should have put those papers in their green folder. Next we watched a short movie on rock types, minerals, and crystal systems in which they had to fill out a paper with questions about each topic. We then we over the rocks/minerals/crystal systems paper together. Finally I handed out the homework "the rock crossword" that needs to be completed and turned in tomorrow. Here are the across answers to get the students started..
2) compacted, 4) luster, 6) crystallization, 7) hardness, 11) weathering, 12) sedimentary, 15) metamorphic, 16) erosion, and 18) crystal. Tomorrow or Friday depending on the schedule of events in the district, I hope to take the students on a walk to the elementary school to look for rocks that we can take back to the school and compare them to their rock papers and samples to find out what kind of rock is it.

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