Monday, May 23, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class this week, the students will continue working on investigation #5 Seeds of Life out of the Diversity Of Life Science Kit until Thursday. On Friday, the class will start on a short unit of heredity. The students will have an homework assignment from the Focus On State Standards: Cells Structure & Function Packet p. 37, 38, and 39 that will be due Thursday. We do have early dismissal on Wednesday at 1 PM due to the district track meet being held at the high school.

Monday, May 16, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

I am sorry I didn't get a chance to blog last week on what we are doing in class. I was very busy. As of today, we finished up investigation #4 Human Cells out of the Diversity of Life Science Kit. The students turned in their packets for an effort and observation grade and completed a end of an investigation #4 Human Cells paper for an academic grade. On Tuesday, the class will start investigation #5 Seeds of Life and will continue working out of the Diversity Of Life Science Kit for the rest of the week. The students will have an homework assignment from the Focus On State Standards: Cells Structure & Function Packet p. 34, 35 and 36 that will be due Thursday.

Monday, May 2, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students finished up investigation #3 microscopic life out of the Diversity Of Life Science Kit turning in their observations packet and a open book and note graded assignment. Both papers will be graded and returned to the students. On Tuesday, the class will start investigation #4 the cell that we will work on and finish by the end of the week. We will have homework assignments on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday out of the Focus on State Standards: Cells Structure and Function Packet pages 21-26.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class on Tuesday, we used questions from a practice math OAA test from the ODE website to play a review game to help the students prepare for testing this week. On Wednesday and Thursday mornings, the students will be taking the Reading and Math OAA test. In the afternoon, the students will continue investigation #3 Microscopic Life out of the Diversity Of Life Science Kit. On Friday, the class will finish investigation #3 Microscopic Life and complete an in class assignment for a grade. The students will also turn in their investigation #3 Microscopic Life packet for an observation and effort grade.

Monday, April 18, 2011

In class on Monday, we will continue practicing math for the OAA test looking at math terms and definitions. On Tuesday, we continued investigation #3 Microscopic Life and have a homework assignment out of the Focus On State Standards: Cells Structure and Function Packet p. 17 and 18. On Wednesday, the class will go down to the computer lab and work on myskillstutor. The students will have a homework assignment on Focus On State Standards: Cells Structure and Function Packet p. 19 and 20 which will be due on Thursday. On Thursday, we will go over the homework and continue investigation #3 Microscopic Life. There is no school on Friday.

Monday, April 11, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class on Monday, we will continue practicing math for the OAA test looking at math terms and definitions. On Tuesday, we finished investigation #2 Introduction to Microscopes from the Diversity Of Life Kit and will take that test on Thursday. We will also start investigation #3 Microscopic Life. On Wednesday the students took a common assessment test in science for the third nine weeks covering concepts in 6th grade Science from all year. It was designed and given by the school district. On Thursday, the students will have homework out of the Focus On State Standards: Cells Structure and Function Packet pages 13, 14, and 15. Students need to have the assignment completed, and we will go over the answers to the homework on Friday. On Friday, the students will continue investigation #3 Microscopic Life out of the Diversity of Life Kit.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class on Monday, the students played math basketball using practice OAA questions from 6th Grade Math Show What You Know Flash Cards. On Tuesday, the students return back to Science continuing in the Diversity Of Life Kit Investigation #2 Introduction To The Microscope. The students used rulers to figure the length of the field of view in each objective lens. The students were given mesh and had to figure out the diameter of each square in the mesh. They were also given several pieces of ribbon to look through using the microscopes and defining focal plane. On Wednesday, the students will go to the computer lab and work on completing activities in math and science. On Thursday and Friday, we will continue back in science hopefully completing Diversity Of Life Kit Investigation #2 Introduction To The Microscope Unit. There will be no homework this week. Once we get to Investigation # 3 on Microscopic Life, there will be homework on cells and cell organelles.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class on Monday, the students played a review game using Show What You Know Math Questions to help the students prepare for the OAA Math Test. On Tuesday, the students took a quiz over investigation #1 What is Life from the Diversity Of Life Science Kit. The students began investigation #2 Introduction To The Microscope out of that same science kit and they will be working on it up until spring break. I am not sure if we will finish this investigation before spring break and might have to take the quiz after spring break. The students don't have school on Friday due to the teachers having a teacher inservice.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students looked at the vials after 24 hours and notice growth in Vial C, D, and E. We then discussed the type of water each group used with their materials pointing out that Row 1 used salt water, Row 2 used sugar water, and Row 3 used spring water. Those groups using salt water noticed little dots moving around in Vial E, and those using sugar water noticed sprouting in Vial D. Those using spring water noticed crystals forming in Vial C. The class guessed that Vial A's material was red sand, Vial B's material was yeast, Vial C's material was a type of crystal, Vial D's material was radish seeds, and that Vial E's material was brine shrimp eggs. The students will look at them one more time tomorrow to make a final decision on if each material is living or nonliving. Next we talked about what is a dormant state of a seed and had the class read a short story out of the Diversity of Life Resource book discussing life on earth. The students in their groups had to work together to answer questions on p. 23 using TQAA method that was turned in for a grade. Tomorrow, the students will finish Investigation #1 packet "What Is Life"and turn that in for a grade. On Monday, the students will be playing a review game with math questions for practice to prepare the students for the state's OAA test. On Tuesday, the students will have a test over Investigation #1 "What Is Life".

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In science class yesterday, we played an OAA Prep review game in math to prepare the students for the state test that they will be taking at the end of April and beginning of May. We were using Math Show What You Know questions for OAA Prep. In Tuesday's class, the students continued to work out of the Diversity Life Kit. The students looked at 5 materials in plastic bags to determine if they are living or nonliving. Using vials, the students added water with different mixtures to their materials. After 10 minutes, the students started to see different results in their vials and wrote down the data in their packets. On Wednesday, the students are continuing to prepare for OAA test by completing activities from

Living or Nonliving Materials? We Will Find Out Soon...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In science class yesterday, we played an OAA Prep review game in math to prepare the students for the state test that they will be taking at the end of April and beginning of May. We were using Math Show What You Know questions for OAA Prep. In Tuesday's class, the students continued to work out of the Diversity Life Kit. The classes took a walk down to the elementary school to get pond samples to look at under the microscope for investigation #3 microscopic life. I decided to take the classes today because of the nicer weather. On Wednesday, the students are continuing to prepare for OAA test by completing activities from On Thursday and Friday, I am hoping to complete investigation #1 what is life as we continue to discuss the characteristics of living organisms and looking at substances to determine if they are living or nonliving. There is no homework for this week.

Monday, February 28, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In science class yesterday, we played an OAA Prep review game in math to prepare the students for the state test that they will be taking at the end of April and beginning of May. We are using Math Show What You Know questions for OAA Prep. In today's class, the students will take the Science & Technology Test. On Wednesday, the students will be working on the website helping the students prepare for the state test. On Thursday, the students will begin working on the first unit out of the Diversity Of Life Science Kit dealing with living and nonliving organisms. The students will have a homework assignment "It's Alive" wkst. that needs to be completed and turned in on Friday. On Friday, the students will continue working out of the Diversity Of Life Science Kit.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

I hope that everyone enjoyed two extra days off of school this week due to President's Day and a snow day. As for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday; the students will be working on myskillstutor to help them prepare for the OAA Test. The students will also finish chapter three out of the Focus On State Standards: Technology: Past and Future Packet. We will go over the answers once students are completed. We will play a small review game over the unit on Science & Technology, and then on Friday, the students will take the Science & Technology Test. Next week the students will have more OAA practice for the state test as well as get into life science discussing the characteristics of living and nonliving organisms.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In science class yesterday, we played an OAA Prep review game in math to prepare the students for the state test that they will be taking at the end of April and beginning of May. We are using Math Show What You Know questions for OAA Prep. In today's class, the students will continue working on Focus On State Standards: Technology Past and Future Packet in partners. On Wednesday the students will be working on the website helping the students prepare for the state test. The students will have a homework assignment "McDonald Observatory" worksheet that needs to be completed and turned in Thursday. On Thursday and Friday the students will continue to work out of The Focus On State Standards: Technology Past and Future Packet.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In science class yesterday, we started OAA Prep for the state test the students will be taking at the end of April and beginning of May. In today's class, the students will be going over the 2nd nine weeks assessment in science and have a homework assignment 'A Better Gizmo" wkst that is due tomorrow. On Wednesday the students will be working out of The Focus On State Standards: Technology Past and Future Packet. We will continue to work out of these packets Thursday and Friday. The students will have one other homework assignment on Wednesday "Jocelyn Bell Burnell" wkst. that will be due on Thursday.

Friday, February 4, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

Hopefully everyone enjoyed their three days off due to snow and ice. As for what we covered today in Science, we are going to finish Focus on Ohio Standards: Understanding Technology Packet. We discussed the articles and should be finished with the packet today. We are going to discuss the 2nd nine weeks common assessment on Monday and start working on Focus on Ohio Standards: Technology Past and Future Packet either Tuesday or Wednesday.

Monday, January 31, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, some classes finished the Focus on Ohio Standards: Understanding Technology Packet while other students presented their inventor/invention power point to the class. Tomorrow as a class, we will go over the 2nd nine week common assessment test and the students will be able to discuss ideas about their invention for their homework. Their homework Tuesday night will be out of the Focus on Ohio Standards: Understanding Technology Packet p.28-31. It will be due on Thursday. On Wednesday, the students will start working out of the Focus on Ohio Standards: Technology Past and Future Packet. The students will continue working out of this packet the rest of the week. The students will have one other homework assignment " a better gizmo" that will be assigned on Thursday and due Friday.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students presented their power point on inventors and inventions. It took longer than expected due to so many people having to present, the time it took for people to log on and off their profile, and for power point software to load their power point. We will continue these presentation on Thursday. Tomorrow the students will take the common assessment in Science designed by the district. There will be no homework this week for the fact that the homework assignment was at the end of the Focus On State Standards: Understanding Technology Packet. We wont get back into the packet until maybe Friday at the earliest. The honors assembly is Friday at 8AM so please come if you can.

Monday, January 24, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students are presenting the power points they created all last week. I hope to be finished with all the presentations at the end of Tuesday. On Wednesday, the students will be taking a common assessment in science through global scholar on the pinnacle website. The students will also have a homework assignment of building a solution to a particular problem. This assignment will be due on Friday. Thursday and Friday we will continue and hopefully finish working out of the Focus On State Standards: Understanding Technology Packet.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students are still working on the 6 slide power point covering inventions, inventors, similarities and differences with past technology, how the invention impacted society, and what improvements can be made with the invention to further science. We will be working on these power points tomorrow as well with presentations hopefully on Thursday. On Thursday, the students will have a homework assignment "just for the fun of it" dealing with the invention of the paper airplane that will be due on Friday. On Friday, the students will get back into the Focus On State Standards: Understanding Technology Packet.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

Hopefully everyone enjoyed the day off yesterday. In class today, we went over the homework "Communicating Through The Ages" in which the students turned the assignment in for a grade that went in the grade book. Next we talked about the homework assignment for tonight dealing with the negative and positive impacts of the cell phone on society in which the students had to write four positive and four negative impacts. The assignment in due tomorrow. Next I passed out the Inventor's Rubric in which the students will create a 6 slide power point about an inventor, and invention, and his or her impact on society. We will continue to work on this power point on Friday.

Monday, January 10, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, students were able to look up a person from history who invented technology that made people's lives better and explained what that person achieved and how it helped others. We also read about what drives technological development? The students then watched a movie on inventions by Bill Nye. Tomorrow we will continue reading about innovation and the effects of advancing technology out of the Focus On State Standards: Understanding Technology Packet. The students will also have a homework assignment on Communication Through The Ages Wkst. that will be due on Wednesday. On Wednesday we will get out of the Focus On State Standards: Understanding Technology Packet and start a power point project on inventor's backgrounds, their invention, how does in compare to other technology in that field, how did it make society better, and how can that invention be improved or what its faults. We will work on this power point for the rest of the week with either presentations being Friday or Tuesday in front of the class depending how long it takes the students to complete the project. The students will have a homework assignment on Wednesday dealing with the impact cellphone has had positively and negatively on society that will be due on Thursday.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students continued the unit on science and technology looking at key concepts, building background, and key vocabulary. The students read about defining science and technology, comparing the two, and pointing out their differences. We also discussed how does science help technology advance and George Washington Carver and Henry Ford's contributions to science and technology. We will continue with this unit tomorrow. The students will have a homework assignment dealing with the invention of the microwave that is due on Friday.

Monday, January 3, 2011

6th Grade Science Class

Welcome back from winter break. Hopefully Santa brought you everything you wanted for Christmas this year. In class today we worked out of the current science magazine reading articles on diabetes and a town that has been burning for almost 50 years. They had questions to answer after the reading of each article. The next big unit we are working on in science has to deal with science and technology that we will start on Tuesday. We will be defining those terms, answering the question to what drives technological development, looking at the effects of advancing technology, and can science and technology solve all problems? The students will have a technology project to complete as well as have a homework assignment over the invention of the microwave.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Enjoy the winter break. We will see you on Monday January 3rd 2011.

Monday, December 20, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, I had the students make up or finish sources of energy test. I also had students make up assignments that they were missing and not in the grade book. The rest of the class worked on Christmas activities that they completed with partners. We only have 5 days to Christmas and only 2 more to Christmas Break. Hang in there Christmas is almost here.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

Concepts To Study For Sources Of Energy Test

1) potential energy: energy that is stored in an object’s position or its chemical composition

2) advantages of wind energy

3) global warming: tmosphere of our planet has warmed by an amount between .5 and .9 degrees Celsius

4) disadvantages of solar power

5) fossil fuels: from decaying plants and animals covered with mud and soil over millions of years

6) mechanical energy: type of energy is the result of the movement of machinery

7) geothermal energy: energy created form the heat within the earth

8) examples of renewable and nonrenewable energy resource

9) nuclear energy: an energy resource that comes from atoms

10) biomass: energy that comes from animal waste and living plants

11) reasons for and against drilling for oil in the ANWR territory in Alaska

12) disadvantages for nuclear power

13) kinetic energy: the energy of motion; something that must have mass
and be moving

14) advantages of biomass

15) examples of fossil fuels

16) light energy: electromagnetic or radiant light from the sun

17) the United States uses 20 million barrels of oil per day

18) renewable energy: energy resources that can be used over, that are
naturally replenished

sources of energy test is 25 multiple choice questions

6th Grade Science Class

I hope everybody enjoyed the snow day we had on Tuesday and it was good to see everyone back today. Due to the snow day, everything was pushed back one day. We will have the review day for the sources of energy test on Thursday, and the students will take the test on Friday. Today we finished watching the movie on energy resources and filled in the movie review wkst. The students then took a post assessment over energy resources. If they had a perfect score, they were able to grab a piece of candy out of the candy bag. There were many perfect scores today!

Monday, December 13, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, I passed out the study guide for the sources of energy test that will be on Thursday. We also took a preliminary assessment over the movie the class later watched Energy Resources. We went over the answers to the preliminary assessment and had the class fill in the video review as they watched the movie on Energy Resources. Finally we went over the video review. Tomorrow the students will take the post assessment on the movie "Energy Resources," and we will go over the answers to it. I will also pass out the reading A to Z packet on Energy Sources: The Pros and Cons and the students can see the grades they earned on the packet. Finally the students will watch a movie on Nuclear Energy: The Cost and The Benefits. On Wednesday we will review for the test playing a review game, and on Thursday the students will take the sources of energy test. The only homework for this week is to study for Thursday's test.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, we went over the homework on Global Warming and their scores were put in the grade book. The students were then put in partners and had to read the National Geographic Book on Using Energy. The students were given a set of questions that went along with the book that they had to answer. We will go over the answers tomorrow. Tomorrow, the students will continue reading about renewable forms of energy and have a homework assignment over wind and solar energy.

Monday, December 6, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students finished ready the book Energy Sources: The Pros and Cons and completed a worksheet that contained filling in a Venn diagram comparing two types of energy, finding and listing synonyms and antonyms of each vocabulary word, and listing the independent and dependent clause of each sentence. We will go over the answers to the worksheet tomorrow. Tomorrow the students will have to complete a 14 question assignment that went along with the Energy Sources: The Pros and Con Book for a grade. The students will have a homework assignment over global warming that needs to be completed and turned in the next day. On Wednesday, we will go over the homework and begin looking at the National Geographic book on using energy.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students had to complete a fill in the blank paper on fossil fuels. We went over the answers once the students were done. The students also had to answer questions over the fossil fuels article. The students were given a homework assignment on natural gas and petroleum that needs to be completed and turned in tomorrow for a grade. In class tomorrow, we will go over the homework and then watch a movie on fuel consumption, traffic and air pollution. If there is some time left in class, we will do a locker clean out.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students finished Focus On State Standards; Forms of Energy packet covering the types of energy. The students then read an article on renewable and nonrenewable energy source in which they had to answer questions on the smart board. The students finished with a fill in the blank assignment on renewable and nonrenewable energy sources. We went over that assignment at the end of class. Tomorrow the students will read an article about fossil fuels and be given a homework assignment over natural gas and petroleum.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and Enjoy the Thanksgiving Break! See you on Tuesday...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students exchanged papers and graded the forms of energy homework from last night. I collected it and used it for an academic grade. Next I took the students down to the computer lab to take the Global Scholar Test On Science. The test was 12 multiple choice questions covering the concepts that we have covered this year in science. Finally I handed out the homework on types of energy that needs to be completed and is due tomorrow. In tomorrow's class, we will go over the homework and do an experiment on potential and kinetic energy. The students will record the data from the experiment and turn it in for a effort grade. There will be no homework Thursday or Friday.

Monday, November 15, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students worked in partners and read the articles out of the current science magazine. They also answered the clues to the crossword puzzle that went along with the articles they read. We went over the crossword puzzle at the end of class. Tomorrow the students will continue working out of the Focus On State Standards: Forms Of Energy Packet. The students will also be given a homework assignment on forms of energy that will be collected and be given a grade when they come to class Wednesday. On Wednesday the students will be taking the Global Scholar Science Test. It is an online test developed by the curriculum director that will be over everything we have covered in science. I will give a homework assignment on types of energy that needs to be completed and due on Thursday.

Monday, November 8, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In today's class, the students finished up the assignments I had the substitute hand out while I was on the Washington DC trip. I also gave the students a matter study guide to help prepare them for the test. The students will have a test over matter on Tuesday that will have 25 multiple choice questions and a bonus. The students can make their own study guide from the one I gave them and can use it on the test or just study the study guide to get them ready for the test. On Wednesday the students will start an unit on energy. Here is a copy of the study guide for the test on matter tomorrow.

Matter Study Guide

Carbon: a black substance made by burning
Chemical Changes: changes that happen at a molecular level, making one or more new substances; usually comes with color change,bubbles, or temperature change
Chemistry: the study of mixing chemicals
Excessive: more than necessary
Irreversible: not able to be reversed
Leavening Agents: ingredients used to make bake goods rise
States of Matter: solid, liquid, or gas
Molecules: the smallest unit of matter that still has parts
Oxidation: the process where oxygen mixes with another substance
Physical Change: changes that do not change the identity of a substance
Tarnish: black coating that appears on silver when air touches it
Closed System: a set of matter with boundaries that mass can’t cross
Conservation: the saving of something
Mass: a measurement of how much a substance an object has
Matter: something that takes up space and has mass
Open system: a set of matter where mass can come and go from the environment
Volume: the amount of space an object takes up
Weight: a measurement of gravity’s pull on an object
Solid: has a definite volume and a definite shape; atoms packed tightly
Liquid: has a definite volume but not a definite shape; atoms spread out
Gas: doesn’t have either a definite shape or definite volume;
atoms spread way out
Combustibility: property of matter that has the ability to be burned
Elasticity: property of matter that has the ability to be stretched
Buoyancy: property of matter that has the ability to stay a float
Solubility: property of matter that has the ability to be dissolvable
Viscosity: property of matter that has the ability to flow easily
Archimedes Theory: crown displaced water; the crown took up volume
Alchemist: a person who studies matter

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today, the students continued to work out of Focus On Ohio State Standards: Conservation Of Matter And Energy Packet. We will finish the matter portion of the packet on Monday. Tomorrow the students will work in groups of three creating a physical and chemical change in matter poster drawing and explaining many examples of matter. On Thursday, the students will work in partners on a matter review crossword puzzle in which the teacher will go over the answers at the end of class and collect. On Friday, the students will work with one other person in their pursuit of answering every matter review question in the packet correct to receive candy on Monday. The packet is 100 questions and the partners who answers the most questions correct will receive candy. The test over matter will be on Tuesday. It will be 25 multiple choice questions with a short answer bonus. I will be out of the building the next three days chaperoning the 8th grade trip to Washington DC. Please have the students be on their best behavior for the substitute teacher. There will be no homework this week.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In science class today we went over the homework how chemical reactions happen. We then passed out the new Focus On Ohio Standards: Conservation of Matter and Energy Packet and began working on building background, key vocabulary, and key concepts. There is no homework assignment tonight. We will only complete the first chapter out of the packet on matter. The students will take a test on matter the week of November 8th. Next week I will be out of the classroom Wednesday through Friday as I am helping chaperon the 8th grade trip to DC. If the students are attending the Halloween Dance Friday afternoon, make sure they bring $2.00 for admittance and snacks. Also dress up for Halloween tomorrow, its always fun. Anyways have fun at the community pep rally/parade/bonfire tonight and the Fairless vs. Tuslaw game on Friday.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today the students finished filling out the data sheet on the five experiments we did in class on Monday dealing with ice, steel wool pads in vinegar, baking soda and vinegar, apple slices, and burning candles. The students turned the data sheet in for a grade. Next we continued working out of the Focus On Ohio Standards: Chemical and Physical Changes Packet. Some classes have finished that up but others are still working on the last remaining pages dealing with physical and chemical changes of the human body, industry, and designing an experiment. The class finished with a homework assignment on the States Of Matter Crossword Puzzle. It is due tomorrow and here are some of the answers to help the students out ..1) slide 4) solids 6) spread 10) evaporation 11) faster 12) three 13) farther 16) atoms 17) states of matter 20) freezing 21) boiling point.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In science class today, we went over the homework on how matter changes giving the students 5 points if the assignment was completed at the time we went over it. Next we continued working out of the Focus On Ohio Standards: Chemical And Physical Changes discussing physical changes in size, shape, and state. We also discussed melting versus burning in which once a substance is burned then it becomes a chemical change because that substance can't go back to what it once was by taking away heat. Next the students had to complete a stop and think section that covered the reading they did earlier. Then the students had to decide if oil, vinegar, and herbs mixed together to make salad dressing is a chemical or physical change in matter. Finally the students had to classify physical changes in the lunches they ate this week. The students were also given a homework assignment Changes: Physical or Chemical? wkst. that needs to be completed and turned in tomorrow.

Monday, October 18, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today the student completed a review activity on mass and volume in which they had to find the mass and volume of a golf ball, a wooden block, water, and a balloon. Most classes made it to the reading of their put together mini book and figured out the mass and volume of the golf ball and wooden block. Tomorrow the students will finish finding the volume and mass of water and balloon and compare them to the wooden block and golf ball noting the similarities and differences. The students will have a homework assignment on how matter changes that needs to be completed and turned in on Wednesday. On Wednesday the students will get back into Focus On Ohio Standards: Chemical and Physical Changes Packet.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today the students finished reading the articles in the current science magazine and completing the skillbuilder worksheet. Next the students were given a list of matter and had to figure out if the matter was going through a physical change or a chemical change. As a class we went over the answers to that activity. Then the students in groups read a short book "Matter Matter Everywhere" and answered ten questions that went along with the book. We went over the answers to the questions in some classes; in other classes we will do that activity tomorrow. Tomorrow we will start working out of "Focus on State Standards: Physical and Chemical Changes" Packet. The students will also have a homework assignment on the changing states of matter.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class we finished up the rocks and minerals unit as the students in groups completed the Focus on State Standards Rocks and Minerals Packet. As a class we went over the answers to the questions and activities. I also have passed out the rocks and minerals study guide on Tuesday to help them prepare for the test that was today. The test today was 25 multiple choice questions and a bonus covering everything in this unit. Tomorrow the students will be reading out of the current science magazine and doing a crossword puzzle that goes along with the reading activity.