Tuesday, October 26, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today the students finished filling out the data sheet on the five experiments we did in class on Monday dealing with ice, steel wool pads in vinegar, baking soda and vinegar, apple slices, and burning candles. The students turned the data sheet in for a grade. Next we continued working out of the Focus On Ohio Standards: Chemical and Physical Changes Packet. Some classes have finished that up but others are still working on the last remaining pages dealing with physical and chemical changes of the human body, industry, and designing an experiment. The class finished with a homework assignment on the States Of Matter Crossword Puzzle. It is due tomorrow and here are some of the answers to help the students out ..1) slide 4) solids 6) spread 10) evaporation 11) faster 12) three 13) farther 16) atoms 17) states of matter 20) freezing 21) boiling point.

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