Wednesday, October 20, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In science class today, we went over the homework on how matter changes giving the students 5 points if the assignment was completed at the time we went over it. Next we continued working out of the Focus On Ohio Standards: Chemical And Physical Changes discussing physical changes in size, shape, and state. We also discussed melting versus burning in which once a substance is burned then it becomes a chemical change because that substance can't go back to what it once was by taking away heat. Next the students had to complete a stop and think section that covered the reading they did earlier. Then the students had to decide if oil, vinegar, and herbs mixed together to make salad dressing is a chemical or physical change in matter. Finally the students had to classify physical changes in the lunches they ate this week. The students were also given a homework assignment Changes: Physical or Chemical? wkst. that needs to be completed and turned in tomorrow.

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