Thursday, October 28, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In science class today we went over the homework how chemical reactions happen. We then passed out the new Focus On Ohio Standards: Conservation of Matter and Energy Packet and began working on building background, key vocabulary, and key concepts. There is no homework assignment tonight. We will only complete the first chapter out of the packet on matter. The students will take a test on matter the week of November 8th. Next week I will be out of the classroom Wednesday through Friday as I am helping chaperon the 8th grade trip to DC. If the students are attending the Halloween Dance Friday afternoon, make sure they bring $2.00 for admittance and snacks. Also dress up for Halloween tomorrow, its always fun. Anyways have fun at the community pep rally/parade/bonfire tonight and the Fairless vs. Tuslaw game on Friday.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today the students finished filling out the data sheet on the five experiments we did in class on Monday dealing with ice, steel wool pads in vinegar, baking soda and vinegar, apple slices, and burning candles. The students turned the data sheet in for a grade. Next we continued working out of the Focus On Ohio Standards: Chemical and Physical Changes Packet. Some classes have finished that up but others are still working on the last remaining pages dealing with physical and chemical changes of the human body, industry, and designing an experiment. The class finished with a homework assignment on the States Of Matter Crossword Puzzle. It is due tomorrow and here are some of the answers to help the students out ..1) slide 4) solids 6) spread 10) evaporation 11) faster 12) three 13) farther 16) atoms 17) states of matter 20) freezing 21) boiling point.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In science class today, we went over the homework on how matter changes giving the students 5 points if the assignment was completed at the time we went over it. Next we continued working out of the Focus On Ohio Standards: Chemical And Physical Changes discussing physical changes in size, shape, and state. We also discussed melting versus burning in which once a substance is burned then it becomes a chemical change because that substance can't go back to what it once was by taking away heat. Next the students had to complete a stop and think section that covered the reading they did earlier. Then the students had to decide if oil, vinegar, and herbs mixed together to make salad dressing is a chemical or physical change in matter. Finally the students had to classify physical changes in the lunches they ate this week. The students were also given a homework assignment Changes: Physical or Chemical? wkst. that needs to be completed and turned in tomorrow.

Monday, October 18, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today the student completed a review activity on mass and volume in which they had to find the mass and volume of a golf ball, a wooden block, water, and a balloon. Most classes made it to the reading of their put together mini book and figured out the mass and volume of the golf ball and wooden block. Tomorrow the students will finish finding the volume and mass of water and balloon and compare them to the wooden block and golf ball noting the similarities and differences. The students will have a homework assignment on how matter changes that needs to be completed and turned in on Wednesday. On Wednesday the students will get back into Focus On Ohio Standards: Chemical and Physical Changes Packet.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class today the students finished reading the articles in the current science magazine and completing the skillbuilder worksheet. Next the students were given a list of matter and had to figure out if the matter was going through a physical change or a chemical change. As a class we went over the answers to that activity. Then the students in groups read a short book "Matter Matter Everywhere" and answered ten questions that went along with the book. We went over the answers to the questions in some classes; in other classes we will do that activity tomorrow. Tomorrow we will start working out of "Focus on State Standards: Physical and Chemical Changes" Packet. The students will also have a homework assignment on the changing states of matter.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

6th Grade Science Class

In class we finished up the rocks and minerals unit as the students in groups completed the Focus on State Standards Rocks and Minerals Packet. As a class we went over the answers to the questions and activities. I also have passed out the rocks and minerals study guide on Tuesday to help them prepare for the test that was today. The test today was 25 multiple choice questions and a bonus covering everything in this unit. Tomorrow the students will be reading out of the current science magazine and doing a crossword puzzle that goes along with the reading activity.